Crockpot “refried” Beans

One of my favorite go-to recipes is Crockpot “Refried” Beans. I LOVE this recipe. It is super easy, it saves us money and it is REALLY yummy.  They remind me of the refried beans that you get at a Mexican restaurant.  Will never gone back to canned… Continue reading Crockpot “refried” Beans

Learning is not a waste

I just started to embroider this winter and I am really enjoying it. One thing I found though is that I don’t want to learn a stitch on the final project so I have a practice piece of fabric. Never thought it would become a teaching experience for me AND the kids… Continue reading Learning is not a waste

Small town girl in the Country

Well, the last several months has been pretty busy and crazy with the move. On top of that, Due to a combination of computer issues that still have not yet been fully resolved and a need to prioritize, blogging has not been high on the list of to dos. In fact, March was deemed a time to minimize ALL commitments and just focus on getting a healthy baseline back into place. It has been wonderful to get back to basics.  It was a crazy process getting here but I am so glad we are to the point of being settled again. Changes do make life interesting… Continue reading Small town girl in the Country

Time to be Real…Time to be Brave

I was going to take time to reflect on last year’s goals and realized they are in a box or maybe a filing cabinet…? Hmmmm… We are in the middle of packing for a move so life feels a little scattered. Though I do know one thing, one big goal was not met. The one thing I have struggled with for the last 8 years. Continue reading Time to be Real…Time to be Brave

A Woodworker and Teacher selling clothes pins that last generations, learning to live off the land and raising honest, hard-working children.